En esta sección encontrarás datos sobre ingresos comparados con los ingreso per cápita de los habitantes, gastos municipales, asignación y ejecución del FISMDF, rendición de cuentas del FISMDF, sobre la participación ciudadana en la distribución del FISMDF y en el COPLADEMUN.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
FISMDF Rendición de Cuentas y Fiscalización
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
Transparencia y promoción de la participación ciudadana para proponer acciones a realizar con recursos del Ramo 33
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
En la mayoría de los municipios existe un Consejo de Planeación para el Desarrollo Municipal que son comúnmente llamados COPLADEMUN. Estos consejos están regulados por las leyes locales y fueron creados para promover y coordinar la formulación, instrumentación y evaluación del Plan Municipal de Desarrollo y para ser un mecanismo de participación ciudadana en el proceso de planeación para el desarrollo.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
- “No aplica”: se refiere a que en el municipio no existe esa figura o la información específica porque no se genera.
- “No hay acceso a la información”: se refiere a la información que fue solicitada a través de solicitudes de acceso a la información a las autoridades correspondientes y fue denegada.
- “En proceso”: se refiere a la información que ha sido solicitada a las autoridades y de la cual se espera respuesta.
- Las celdas vacías indican que no se consiguió la información.