En esta sección encontrarás datos comparativos del presupuesto municipal, de los gastos, del porcentaje del FISMDF que reciben los municipios, su distribución, si esta aportación se destina a los rubros permitidos y la forma de ejecución. Cada gráfica la puedes descargar en distintos formatos (). En algunos apartados podrás filtrar la información por municipio ().
Información presupuestal de tu municipio
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
wpDataTables encountered an issue trying to display chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
wpDataTables encountered an issue trying to display chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
Fondo para la Infraestructura Social Municipal y de las demarcaciones territoriales del Distrito Federal (FISMDF).
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
wpDataTables encountered an issue trying to display chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
wpDataTables encountered an issue trying to display chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
wpDataTables encountered an issue trying to display chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
You are trying to load a table of an unknown type. Probably you did not activate the addon which is required to use this table type.
wpDataTables encountered an issue trying to display chart. Please edit the chart in the admin area for more details.